You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
3.0 KiB

<div id="currency">
<input @keyup="keyup" :id="xid" :placeholder="xtitle" :class="getClass" type="text" v-model="val">
<input type="hidden" :name="xname" :value="noComma">
function commafy(num) {
if (typeof num !== 'string') {
return '';
let str = uncommafy(num.toString()).split('.');
if (str[0].length >= 5) {
str[0] = str[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,');
if (str[1] && str[1].length >= 5) {
str[1] = str[1].replace(/(\d{3})/g, '$1 ');
return str.join('.');
function uncommafy(txt) {
return txt.split(',').join('');
export default {
name: "curency-input",
components: {},
data: () => {
return {
val: ''
emits: ['update:modelValue'],
props: {
modelValue: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 'nop',
xname: {
default: "",
type: String,
xtitle: {
default: "",
type: String,
xvalue: {
default: "",
type: String,
xid: {
default: "",
type: String,
customClass: {
default: "",
type: String,
err: {
default: false,
type: Boolean,
updateKey: {
default: function () {
type: Function,
mounted() {
if (this.modelValue !== 'nop') {
if (typeof this.modelValue == 'number') {
this.val = commafy(this.modelValue.toString());
} else {
this.val = commafy(this.modelValue);
} else {
if (typeof this.xvalue == 'number') {
this.val = commafy(this.xvalue.toString());
} else {
this.val = commafy(this.xvalue);
computed: {
noComma: function () {
const n = uncommafy(this.val);
// if (this.modelValue != 'nop') {
// this.$emit('update:modelValue', n);
// }
return n;
getClass: function () {
if (this.err == true || (typeof this.err == 'String' && this.err.trim() == '1')) {
return 'form-control is-invalid ' + this.customClass;
return 'form-control ' + this.customClass;
methods: {
keyup: function () {
this.val = commafy(this.val);
this.$emit('update:modelValue', this.noComma);
if (typeof this.update === 'function') {
this.update(this.updateKey, parseInt(this.noComma));
watch: {
val(newValue) {
if (this.modelValue !== 'nop') {
this.$emit('update:modelValue', uncommafy(newValue));
<style scoped>