# Environment file or `.env` > **Note:** If you need to change any config, be careful. If you need to add spaces or special characters, you need to surround the value with `"` to follow the application name for better understanding when changing the `.env` file. ## Create `.env` > Create a new database and rename `.env.example` to `.env`, then update your `.env` configurations by running these commands (in the project directory): ### Linux or MacOSX platform ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` ### Windows platform ```bash copy .env.example .env ``` ## Application Configuration ### Application Name ```bash APP_NAME=xShop2 ``` Example after changing: ```bash APP_NAME="My shop project" ``` ### Application Environment ```bash APP_ENV=local ``` Specify the environment. Common values are `local`, `production`, `testing`. ### Application Key ```bash APP_KEY= ``` Set this value by running `php artisan key:generate` in your terminal. ### Application Debug Mode ```bash APP_DEBUG=true ``` Set to `false` in production for security reasons. ### Application Timezone ```bash APP_TIMEZONE=ASIA/TEHRAN ``` Set your application's timezone. Use `date.timezone` values from PHP. ### Application URL ```bash APP_URL= ``` The URL of your application. ### Localization ```bash APP_LOCALE=en APP_FALLBACK_LOCALE=en APP_FAKER_LOCALE=en_US ``` Set the default locale and fallback locale for localization. ### Maintenance Mode ```bash APP_MAINTENANCE_DRIVER=file APP_MAINTENANCE_STORE=database ``` Settings for maintaining your application. ### Logging Configuration ```bash LOG_CHANNEL=stack LOG_STACK=single LOG_DEPRECATIONS_CHANNEL=null LOG_LEVEL=debug ``` Determine the logging channels and level. ## Database Configuration ### SQLite ```bash DB_CONNECTION=sqlite DB_DATABASE=/path/to/database.sqlite ``` For SQLite, create an empty database file as follows: ```bash touch /path/to/database.sqlite ``` ### MySQL ```bash DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=xshop_db DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD= ``` Ensure you set the correct database name, username, and password. ## Session Configuration ```bash SESSION_DRIVER=database SESSION_LIFETIME=9999999 SESSION_ENCRYPT=false SESSION_PATH=/ SESSION_DOMAIN=null ``` Configure session handling using the database. ## Broadcasting ```bash BROADCAST_CONNECTION=log ``` Set the broadcasting connection. ## Filesystem ```bash FILESYSTEM_DISK=local ``` Set the default disk for file storage. ## Cache Configuration ```bash CACHE_STORE=database CACHE_PREFIX= ``` Set cache configuration. ## Redis Configuration ```bash REDIS_CLIENT=phpredis REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 ``` Configure Redis for caching and sessions. ## Mail Configuration ```bash MAIL_MAILER=log MAIL_HOST= MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="hello@example.com" MAIL_FROM_NAME="${APP_NAME}" ``` Set mail settings for your application. ## Media Configuration ```bash MEDIA_WATERMARK_SIZE=15 MEDIA_WATERMARK_OPACITY=50 ``` Configure media settings, such as watermarking. ## AWS Configuration ```bash AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET= AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=false ``` Set your AWS S3 configuration if needed. ## Multi-language Support ```bash XLANG_ACTIVE=false XLANG_MAIN=en XLANG_API_URL="" ``` Enable multi-language support. ## Currency Configuration ```bash CURRENCY_SYMBOL="$" CURRENCY_FACTOR=1 CURRENCY_CODE=USD ``` - **CURRENCY_FACTOR** is used for currency conversion; for example, to convert Toman to Rial, it should be set to 10. ## SMS Configuration ```bash SMS_SING=true SMS_DRIVER=Kavenegar SMS_TOKEN= SMS_USER= SMS_PASSWORD= SMS_URL="https://api.kavenegar.com/v1/TOKEN/verify/lookup.json" SMS_NUMBER= ``` Settings for sending SMS. ## Payment Gateway Configuration ```bash ZARINPAL_MERCHANT=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx ZIBAL_MERCHANT=zibal PAY_GATEWAY=zibal ``` Settings for payment gateways, for example, ZarinPal and Zibal. --- #### Note Ensure you fill in the required values in the `.env` file according to your environment and needs.