class ContentSEOAnalyzer { constructor(content, targetKeyword) { this.content = content; this.targetKeyword = targetKeyword.toLowerCase(); this.plainText = this.stripHTML(content); this.sentences = this.getSentences(); this.paragraphs = this.getParagraphs(); this.wordCount = this.getWordCount(); } // Remove HTML tags and get plain text stripHTML(html) { return html.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ' ') .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .trim(); } // Improved sentence detection for mixed content getSentences() { // First clean the text from extra spaces and normalize punctuation let text = this.plainText .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .replace(/[\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF]/g, ''); // Remove zero-width spaces // Handle both RTL and LTR sentence endings // Added more Arabic/Persian punctuation marks const sentenceEndings = [ '.', // English period '!', // English exclamation '?', // English question mark '؟', // Arabic question mark '।', // Arabic full stop '۔', // Urdu full stop '،', // Arabic comma when followed by a new sentence ';', // English semicolon when used as sentence separator '؛', // Arabic semicolon ]; // Create a regex pattern that matches any of these endings // followed by a space and either: // 1. An uppercase letter (for English) // 2. An Arabic/Persian letter // 3. A number (for both scripts) const pattern = new RegExp( `([${sentenceEndings.join('')}])\\s*(?=[A-Z\u0600-\u06FF\u0750-\u077F\u08A0-\u08FF0-9])`, 'g' ); // Split into sentences let sentences = text .replace(pattern, '$1|') .split('|') .map(sentence => sentence.trim()) .filter(sentence => { // Remove empty sentences and very short ones (less than 2 words) const words = sentence.split(/\s+/); return sentence.length > 0 && words.length >= 2; }); // Additional cleaning: merge incorrectly split sentences sentences = this.cleanSentences(sentences); return sentences; } // Helper method to clean and merge sentences that might have been incorrectly split cleanSentences(sentences) { const cleaned = []; let current = ''; for (let sentence of sentences) { // Check if sentence starts with lowercase or is very short if (current && ( sentence.charAt(0).match(/[a-z]/) || // Starts with lowercase sentence.length < 10 || // Very short /^[و،]/.test(sentence) // Starts with Arabic 'and' or comma )) { current += ' ' + sentence; } else { if (current) { cleaned.push(current.trim()); } current = sentence; } } // Don't forget to add the last sentence if (current) { cleaned.push(current.trim()); } // Final filtering to remove any remaining invalid sentences return cleaned.filter(sentence => { // Ensure minimum length and word count const words = sentence.split(/\s+/); return sentence.length >= 10 && words.length >= 2; }); } // Adjust the readability analysis to be more accurate with the new sentence detection analyzeReadability() { const avgSentenceLength = this.sentences.length ? this.wordCount / this.sentences.length : 0; const avgParagraphLength = this.paragraphs.length ? this.wordCount / this.paragraphs.length : 0; // Increased threshold for complex sentences const complexSentences = this.sentences.filter(sentence => sentence.split(/\s+/).filter(word => word.length > 0).length > 25 ).length; const complexSentencePercentage = this.sentences.length ? (complexSentences / this.sentences.length) * 100 : 0; return { avgSentenceLength, avgParagraphLength, complexSentencePercentage, totalParagraphs: this.paragraphs.length, totalSentences: this.sentences.length }; } // Helper method to calculate statistical variation in sentence lengths calculateVariation(lengths) { if (lengths.length < 2) return 0; const mean = lengths.reduce((sum, val) => sum + val, 0) / lengths.length; const variance = lengths.reduce((sum, val) => sum + Math.pow(val - mean, 2), 0) / lengths.length; return Math.sqrt(variance); } // Calculate a more nuanced readability score calculateReadabilityScore(sentenceLengths) { if (sentenceLengths.length === 0) return 0; const avg = sentenceLengths.reduce((sum, len) => sum + len, 0) / sentenceLengths.length; const variation = this.calculateVariation(sentenceLengths); // Ideal ranges: // Average sentence length: 15-20 words // Variation: 5-10 words (some variety but not too much) let score = 10; // Penalize for extreme average lengths if (avg < 10) score -= 2; else if (avg > 25) score -= 2; else if (avg > 20) score -= 1; // Penalize for too much or too little variation if (variation < 3) score -= 1; // Too monotonous else if (variation > 15) score -= 1; // Too varied return Math.max(0, Math.min(10, score)); } // Get paragraphs from content getParagraphs() { return this.content .split(/<\/p>|<\/div>||\n/) .map(p => this.stripHTML(p)) .filter(p => p.trim().length > 0); } // Get word count getWordCount() { return this.plainText.split(/\s+/).filter(word => word.length > 0).length; } // Calculate average sentence length getAverageSentenceLength() { if (this.sentences.length === 0) return 0; const totalWords = this.sentences .map(sentence => sentence.split(/\s+/).filter(word => word.length > 0).length) .reduce((sum, length) => sum + length, 0); return totalWords / this.sentences.length; } // Calculate average paragraph length getAverageParagraphLength() { if (this.paragraphs.length === 0) return 0; const totalWords = this.paragraphs .map(para => para.split(/\s+/).filter(word => word.length > 0).length) .reduce((sum, length) => sum + length, 0); return totalWords / this.paragraphs.length; } // Analyze keyword usage analyzeKeyword() { // Check keyword size let shortKeyword = false; if (this.targetKeyword.length < 2){ shortKeyword = true; } const keywordCount = (this.plainText.toLowerCase().match(new RegExp(this.targetKeyword, 'g')) || []).length; const density = (keywordCount / this.wordCount) * 100; // Check keyword in first paragraph const firstParagraphHasKeyword = this.paragraphs[0]?.toLowerCase().includes(this.targetKeyword); // Check keyword in headings const headings = this.content.match(/]*>(.*?)<\/h[1-6]>/gi) || []; const headingsWithKeyword = headings.filter(h => this.stripHTML(h).toLowerCase().includes(this.targetKeyword) ).length; return { count: keywordCount, density, firstParagraphHasKeyword, headingsWithKeyword, shortKeyword: shortKeyword, }; } // Generate analysis report with 0-10 rating generateReport() { const keywordAnalysis = this.analyzeKeyword(); const readabilityAnalysis = this.analyzeReadability(); let score = 0; const feedback = []; // Score components (each component adds up to 10) // 1. Content Length (2 points) if (this.wordCount >= 300) score += 2; else feedback.push(window.TR.contentShort); // 2. Keyword Usage (2 points) if (keywordAnalysis.density >= 0.5 && keywordAnalysis.density <= 2.5) score += 0.5; if (keywordAnalysis.firstParagraphHasKeyword) score += 0.5; if (keywordAnalysis.headingsWithKeyword > 0) score += 1; if (keywordAnalysis.count >= 2) score += 0; if (keywordAnalysis.density < 0.5) feedback.push(window.TR.destinyLow); if (keywordAnalysis.density > 3.5) feedback.push(window.TR.destinyHigh); if (keywordAnalysis.shortKeyword) feedback.push(window.TR.shortKeyword); if (!keywordAnalysis.firstParagraphHasKeyword) feedback.push(window.TR.keywordFirstParagraph); if (keywordAnalysis.headingsWithKeyword === 0) feedback.push(window.TR.keywordHeading); // 3. Readability (4 points) if (readabilityAnalysis.avgSentenceLength <= 30) score += 1; if (readabilityAnalysis.avgParagraphLength <= 150) score += 1; if (readabilityAnalysis.complexSentencePercentage <= 25) score += 1; if (this.paragraphs.length >= 3) score += 1; if (readabilityAnalysis.avgSentenceLength > 30) feedback.push(window.TR.sentencesLong); if (readabilityAnalysis.avgParagraphLength > 150) feedback.push(window.TR.paragraphsLong); if (readabilityAnalysis.complexSentencePercentage > 25) feedback.push(window.TR.sentencesComplex); if (this.paragraphs.length < 3) feedback.push(window.TR.paragraphAdd); // 4. Structure & Formatting (2 points) const hasHeadings = /]*>/i.test(this.content); const hasLists = /<[ou]l[^>]*>/i.test(this.content); if (hasHeadings) score += 1; if (hasLists) score += 1; if (!hasHeadings) feedback.push(window.TR.headingAdd ); if (!hasLists) feedback.push(window.TR.useList); console.log(readabilityAnalysis); return { score: Math.min(10, Math.round(score * 10) / 10), feedback, details: { wordCount: this.wordCount, keywordUsage: { count: keywordAnalysis.count, density: `${keywordAnalysis.density.toFixed(1)}%`, inFirstParagraph: keywordAnalysis.firstParagraphHasKeyword, inHeadings: keywordAnalysis.headingsWithKeyword }, readability: { avgWordsPerSentence: Math.round(readabilityAnalysis.avgSentenceLength), avgWordsPerParagraph: Math.round(readabilityAnalysis.avgParagraphLength), complexSentences: `${readabilityAnalysis.complexSentencePercentage.toFixed(1)}%`, paragraphCount: readabilityAnalysis.totalParagraphs } } }; } // Function to determine score status getScoreStatus(score) { if (score >= 7) return { class: 'good', text: window.TR.good }; if (score >= 5) return { class: 'average', text: window.TR.averageNeeed }; return { class: 'poor', text: window.TR.poor }; } // Function to create and display the report displaySEOReport(report, targetElement) { // // Add styles to document if not already present // if (!document.getElementById('seo-report-styles')) { // const styleSheet = document.createElement('style'); // = 'seo-report-styles'; // styleSheet.textContent = styles; // document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); // } const scoreStatus = this.getScoreStatus(report.score); const reportHTML = `

${ window.TR.SEOScore}: ${scoreStatus.text}



    ${ => `
  • ${item}
  • `).join('')}


${report.details.wordCount} ${ window.TR.words}


${report.details.keywordUsage.count} ${ window.TR.times} (${report.details.keywordUsage.density})


${report.details.readability.avgWordsPerSentence} ${ window.TR.words}


${report.details.readability.paragraphCount} ${ window.TR.paragraphs} (avg ${report.details.readability.avgWordsPerParagraph} ${ window.TR.words})
`; const targetDiv = document.getElementById(targetElement); if (targetDiv) { targetDiv.innerHTML = reportHTML; } } } export default ContentSEOAnalyzer;