<?php namespace Resources\Views\Segments; use App\Models\Part; use App\Models\Setting; class LittleFooter { public static function onAdd(Part $part = null) { $setting = new Setting(); $setting->section = 'theme'; $setting->key = $part->area_name . '_' . $part->part.'_text'; $setting->value = 'A usually green, flattened, lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants.'; $setting->type = 'EDITOR'; $setting->size = 12; $setting->title = $part->area_name . ' ' . $part->part .' text'; $setting->save(); } public static function onRemove(Part $part = null) { Setting::where('key',$part->area_name . '_' . $part->part.'_text')->first()?->delete(); } public static function onMount(Part $part = null) { return $part; } }