status = 0 && !auth()->check()) { return abort(403); } $area = 'post'; $title = $post->title; $subtitle = $post->subtitle; $post->increment('view'); $breadcrumb = [ __('Posts') => postsUrl(), $post->mainGroup->name => $post->mainGroup->webUrl(), $post->title => null, ]; return view('', compact('area', 'post', 'title', 'subtitle', 'breadcrumb')); } public function clip(Clip $clip) { if ($clip->status = 0 && !auth()->check()) { return abort(403); } $area = 'clip'; $title = $clip->title; $subtitle = ''; $breadcrumb = [ __('Video clips') => clipsUrl(), $clip->title => null, ]; return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'clip', 'title', 'subtitle', 'breadcrumb')); } public function gallery(Gallery $gallery) { if ($gallery->status = 0 && !auth()->check()) { return abort(403); } $area = 'gallery'; $title = $gallery->title; $subtitle = \Str::limit(strip_tags($gallery->description), 15); $gallery->increment('view'); $breadcrumb = [ __('Galleries') => gallariesUrl(), $gallery->title => null, ]; return view('', compact('area', 'gallery', 'title', 'subtitle', 'breadcrumb')); } public function posts() { $area = 'posts-list'; $title = __("Posts list"); $subtitle = ''; $posts = Post::where('status', 1) ->orderByDesc('id')->paginate($this->paginate); return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'posts', 'title', 'subtitle')); } public function products() { $area = 'products-list'; $title = __("Products list"); $subtitle = ''; $products = Product::where('status', 1) ->orderByDesc('id')->paginate($this->paginate); return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'products', 'title', 'subtitle')); } public function galleries() { $area = 'galleries-list'; $title = __("Galleries list"); $subtitle = ''; $galleries = Gallery::where('status', 1) ->orderByDesc('id')->paginate($this->paginate); return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'galleries', 'title', 'subtitle')); } public function clips() { $area = 'clips-list'; $title = __("Video clips list"); $subtitle = ''; $clips = Clip::where('status', 1) ->orderByDesc('id')->paginate($this->paginate); return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'clips', 'title', 'subtitle')); } public function attachments() { $area = 'attachments-list'; $title = __("Attachments list"); $subtitle = ''; $attachs = Attachment::where('is_fillable', 1) ->orderByDesc('id')->paginate($this->paginate); return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'attachs', 'title', 'subtitle')); } public function attachment(Attachment $attachment) { $area = 'attachment'; $title = $attachment->title; $subtitle = $attachment->subtitle; $breadcrumb = [ __('Attachments') => attachmentsUrl(), $attachment->title => null, ]; return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'attachment', 'title', 'subtitle', 'breadcrumb')); } public function tag($slug) { $tag = Tag::where('slug->' . config('app.locale'), 'like', $slug)->first(); return $tag; } public function submitComment(Request $request) { $request->validate([ 'commentable_type' => ['required', 'string', 'min:5'], 'commentable_id' => ['required', 'integer'], 'message' => ['required', 'string', 'min:5'], 'parent_id' => ['nullable', 'integer'], ]); $comment = new Comment(); if (!auth()->check() && !auth('customer')->check()) { $request->validate([ 'name' => ['required', 'string', 'min:2'], 'email' => ['required', 'email'], ]); $comment->name = $request->name; $comment->email = $request->email; $comment->status = 0; } else { if (auth()->check()) { $comment->commentator_type = User::class; $comment->commentator_id = auth()->id(); $comment->status = 1; } else { $comment->commentator_type = Customer::class; $comment->commentator_id = auth('customer')->id(); $comment->status = 0; } } $comment->parent_id = $request->input('parent_id', null); $comment->body = $request->input('message'); $comment->commentable_type = $request->input('commentable_type'); $comment->commentable_id = $request->input('commentable_id'); $comment->ip = request()->ip(); $comment->save(); return redirect()->back()->with(['message' => __('Your comment has been submitted')]); } public function search(Request $request) { } public function group(Group $group) { $area = 'group'; $title = $group->name; $subtitle = $group->subtitle; $posts = $group->posts()->where('status', 1)->orderByDesc('id')->paginate($this->paginate); if ($group->parent_id == null) { $breadcrumb = [ __('Posts') => postsUrl(), $group->name => null, ]; } else { $breadcrumb = [ __('Posts') => postsUrl(), $group->parent->name => $group->parent->webUrl(), $group->name => null, ]; } return view('', compact('area', 'posts', 'title', 'subtitle', 'group', 'breadcrumb')); } public function product(Product $product) { if ($product->status = 0 && !auth()->check()) { return abort(403); } $area = 'product'; $title = $product->name; $subtitle = $product->excerpt; // WIP SEO $breadcrumb = [ __('Products') => productsUrl(), $product->category->name => $product->category->webUrl(), ]; if ($product->category->parent_id != null) { $breadcrumb[$product->category->parent->name] = $product->category->parent->webUrl(); } $breadcrumb[$product->name] = null; return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'product', 'title', 'subtitle', 'breadcrumb')); } public function category(Category $category, Request $request) { $area = 'category'; $title = $category->name; $subtitle = $category->subtitle; $query = $category->products()->where('status', 1); if ($request->has('only')) { $query->where('stock_quantity', '>', 0); } if ($request->has('sort') && $request->input('sort') != '') { switch ($request->input('sort')) { case 'oldest': $query = $query->orderBy('id'); break; case 'cheap': $query = $query->where('price', '<>', 0)->orderBy('price'); break; case 'expensive': $query = $query->orderByDesc('price'); break; case 'fav': $query = $query->orderByDesc('view'); break; case 'sale': $query = $query->orderByDesc('sell'); break; default: $query = $query->orderByDesc('id'); } } else { $query = $query->orderByDesc('id'); } if ($request->has('meta')) { foreach ($category->props()->where('searchable', 1)->get() as $prop) { if (isset($request->input('meta')[$prop->name]) && $request->input('meta')[$prop->name] != '' && $request->input('meta')[$prop->name] != '[]') { switch ($prop->type) { case 'checkbox': if ($prop->priceable) { $id = Quantity::where('count', '>', 0) ->where('data', 'LIKE', '%"' . $prop->name . '":%') ->pluck('product_id')->toArray(); $query->whereIn('id', $id); } else { $query->whereHasMeta($prop->name); } break; case 'number': case 'select': case 'color': if ($prop->priceable) { $id = Quantity::where('count', '>', 0) ->where('data', 'LIKE', '%"' . $prop->name . '":"' . $request->meta[$prop->name] . '"%') ->pluck('product_id')->toArray(); $id = array_merge($id, $query->whereMeta($prop->name, $request->input('meta')[$prop->name])->pluck('id')->toArray()); $id = array_unique($id); $query->whereIn('id', $id); } else { $query->whereMeta($prop->name, $request->input('meta')[$prop->name]); } break; case 'text': $query->whereMeta($prop->name, 'LIKE', '%' . $request->input('meta')[$prop->name] . '%'); break; case 'multi': case 'singlemulti': if ($prop->priceable) { $q = Quantity::where('count', '>', 0); $metas = json_decode($request->meta[$prop->name], true); $q->where(function ($query) use ($metas) { foreach ($metas as $meta) { $query->orWhere('data', 'LIKE', '%' . $meta . '%'); } }); $query->whereIn('id', $q->pluck('product_id')->toArray()); } else { $q = Meta::where('key', $prop->name)->where('metable_type', Product::class); $metas = json_decode($request->meta[$prop->name], true); $q->where(function ($query) use ($metas) { foreach ($metas as $meta) { $query->orWhere('value', 'LIKE', '%' . $meta . '%'); } }); $query->whereIn('id', $q->pluck('metable_id')->toArray()); } } } } } $products = $query->paginate($this->paginate); if ($category->parent_id == null) { $breadcrumb = [ __('Products') => productsUrl(), $category->name => null, ]; } else { $breadcrumb = [ __('Products') => productsUrl(), $category->parent->name => $category->parent->webUrl(), $category->name => null, ]; } return view('client.category', compact('area', 'products', 'title', 'subtitle', 'category', 'breadcrumb')); } public function attachDl(Attachment $attachment) { $attachment->increment('downloads'); $file = (storage_path() . '/app/public/attachments/' . $attachment->file); if (file_exists($file)) { return response()->download($file); } } public function productCompareToggle(Product $product) { if (\Cookie::has('compares')) { $compares = json_decode(\Cookie::get('compares'), true); if (in_array($product->id, $compares)) { $msg = "Product removed from compare"; unset($compares[array_search($product->id, $compares)]); } else { $compares[] = $product->id; $msg = "Product added to compare"; } \Cookie::queue('compares', json_encode($compares), 2000); } else { $msg = "Product added to compare"; \Cookie::queue('compares', "[$product->id]", 2000); } if (\request()->ajax()) { return success(null, $msg); } else { return redirect()->back()->with(['message' => $msg]); } } public function ProductFavToggle(Product $product) { if (!auth('customer')->check()) { return errors([ __("You need to login first"), ], 403, __("You need to login first")); } if (auth('customer')->user()->favorites()->where('product_id', $product->id)->count() == 0) { auth('customer')->user()->favorites()->attach($product->id); $message = __('Product added to favorites'); $fav = '1'; } else { auth('customer')->user()->favorites()->detach($product->id); $message = __('Product removed from favorites'); $fav = '0'; } if (\request()->ajax()) { return success($fav, $message); } else { return redirect()->back()->with(['message' => $message]); } } public function compare() { $area = 'compare'; $title = __("Compare products"); $subtitle = ''; $ids = json_decode(\Cookie::get('compares'), true); $products = Product::whereIn('id', $ids)->where('status', 1)->get(); return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'products', 'title', 'subtitle')); } public function signOut() { auth('customer')->logout(); return redirect()->route('client.sign-in')->with(['message' => __("Signed out successfully")]); } public function signIn() { $area = 'login'; $title = __("sign in"); $subtitle = 'Sign in as customer'; return view('client.default-list', compact('area', 'title', 'subtitle')); } public function signUp() { } public function singInDo(Request $request) { $max = 3; $request->validate([ 'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255', 'password' => 'required|string|min:6', ]); if (isGuestMaxAttemptTry('login', $max)) { return redirect()->back()->withErrors([__('You try more than :COUNT attempts, Try it later', ["COUNT" => $max])]); } guestLog('login'); $customer = Customer::where('email', $request->input('email')); if ($customer->count() == 0) { return redirect()->back()->withErrors([__('Email or password is incorrect')]); } $customer = $customer->first(); if (\Hash::check($request->input('password'), $customer->password)) { auth('customer')->login($customer); return redirect()->route('client.profile')->with(['message' => __('Signed in successfully')]); } else { return redirect()->back()->withErrors([__('Email or password is incorrect'), __('If you forget your password call us')]); } } public function sendSms(Request $request) { if (isGuestMaxAttemptTry('sms', 1, 2)) { return [ 'OK' => false, 'message' => __('You try attempts, Try it a few minutes'), 'error' => __('You try attempts, Try it a few minutes'), ]; } guestLog('sms'); $customer = Customer::where('mobile', $request->input('tel')); $code = rand(11111, 99999); Log::info('auth code: ' . $code); if ($customer->count() == 0) { $customer = new Customer(); $customer->mobile = $request->input('tel'); $customer->code = $code; $customer->save(); } else { $customer = $customer->first(); $customer->code = $code; $customer->save(); } // WIP send sms return [ 'OK' => true, 'message' => __('Auth code send successfully'), ]; } public function checkAuth(Request $request) { $max = 3; $request->validate([ 'tel' => 'required|string|min:6', 'code' => 'required|string|min:5', ]); if (isGuestMaxAttemptTry('login', $max)) { return redirect()->back()->withErrors([__('You try more than :COUNT attempts, Try it later', ["COUNT" => $max])]); } guestLog('login'); $customer = Customer::where('mobile', $request->input('tel')) ->where('code', $request->input('code'))->first(); if ($customer == null) { return [ 'OK' => false, 'message' => __('Auth code is invalid'), 'error' => __('Auth code is invalid'), ]; } $customer->code = null; $customer->save(); auth('customer')->login($customer); return [ 'OK' => true, 'message' => __('You are logged in successfully'), ]; } }