<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Http\Controllers\XController; use App\Http\Requests\AttachmentSaveRequest; use App\Models\Access; use App\Models\Attachment; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Helper; use function App\Helpers\hasCreateRoute; class AttachmentController extends XController { // protected $_MODEL_ = Attachment::class; // protected $SAVE_REQUEST = AttachmentSaveRequest::class; protected $cols = ['title','ext','is_fillable']; protected $extra_cols = ['slug','id']; protected $searchable = ['title', 'subtitle', 'body']; protected $listView = 'admin.attachments.attachment-list'; protected $formView = 'admin.attachments.attachment-form'; protected $buttons = [ 'edit' => ['title' => "Edit", 'class' => 'btn-outline-primary', 'icon' => 'ri-edit-2-line'], 'show' => ['title' => "Detail", 'class' => 'btn-outline-light', 'icon' => 'ri-eye-line'], 'destroy' => ['title' => "Remove", 'class' => 'btn-outline-danger delete-confirm', 'icon' => 'ri-close-line'], ]; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(Attachment::class, AttachmentSaveRequest::class); } /** * @param $attachment Attachment * @param $request AttachmentSaveRequest * @return Attachment */ public function save($attachment, $request) { $attachment->title = $request->input('title'); $attachment->slug = $this->getSlug($attachment,'slug','title'); $attachment->body = $request->input('body'); $attachment->subtitle = $request->input('subtitle'); $attachment->is_fillable = $request->has('is_fillable'); if ($request->has('file')){ $attachment->file = $this->storeFile('file',$attachment, 'attachments'); $attachment->size = $request->file('file')->getSize(); $attachment->ext = $request->file('file')->getClientOriginalExtension(); } if ($request->has('attachable_id') && $request->has('attachable_id')){ $attachment->attachable_type = $request->input('attachable_type'); $attachment->attachable_id = $request->input('attachable_id'); }else{ $attachment->attachable_type = null; $attachment->attachable_id = null; } $attachment->save(); return $attachment; } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. */ public function create() { // return view($this->formView); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. */ public function edit(Attachment $item) { // return view($this->formView, compact('item')); } public function bulk(Request $request) { // dd($request->all()); $data = explode('.', $request->input('action')); $action = $data[0]; $ids = $request->input('id'); switch ($action) { case 'delete': $msg = __(':COUNT items deleted successfully', ['COUNT' => count($ids)]); $this->_MODEL_::destroy($ids); break; default: $msg = __('Unknown bulk action : :ACTION', ["ACTION" => $action]); } return $this->do_bulk($msg, $action, $ids); } public function destroy(Attachment $item) { return parent::delete($item); } public function detach(Attachment $item) { $item->attachable_id = null; $item->attachable_type = null; $item->save(); logAdmin(__METHOD__,__CLASS__,$item->id); if (request()->ajax()) { return ['OK' => true , 'message' => __('As you wished detached successfully')]; } return redirect()->back() ->with(['message' => __('As you wished detached successfully')]); } public function update(Request $request, Attachment $item) { return $this->bringUp($request, $item); } public function attaching(Request $request){ $item = new Attachment(); $item = $this->save($item, $request); logAdmin(__METHOD__,__CLASS__,$item->id); return ['OK' => true,'data'=> $item,'message' => __('File uploaded successfully')]; } }