"🇿🇦", // Afrikaans "sq" => "🇦🇱", // Albanian "am" => "🇪🇹", // Amharic "ar" => "🇸🇦", // Arabic "hy" => "🇦🇲", // Armenian "az" => "🇦🇿", // Azerbaijani "eu" => "🇪🇸", // Basque "be" => "🇧🇾", // Belarusian "bn" => "🇧🇩", // Bengali "bs" => "🇧🇦", // Bosnian "bg" => "🇧🇬", // Bulgarian "ca" => "🇪🇸", // Catalan "zh" => "🇨🇳", // Chinese "hr" => "🇭🇷", // Croatian "cs" => "🇨🇿", // Czech "da" => "🇩🇰", // Danish "nl" => "🇳🇱", // Dutch "en" => "🇺🇸", // English "et" => "🇪🇪", // Estonian "fi" => "🇫🇮", // Finnish "fr" => "🇫🇷", // French "gl" => "🇪🇸", // Galician "ka" => "🇬🇪", // Georgian "de" => "🇩🇪", // German "el" => "🇬🇷", // Greek "gu" => "🇮🇳", // Gujarati "ht" => "🇭🇹", // Haitian "he" => "🇮🇱", // Hebrew "hi" => "🇮🇳", // Hindi "hu" => "🇭🇺", // Hungarian "is" => "🇮🇸", // Icelandic "id" => "🇮🇩", // Indonesian "ga" => "🇮🇪", // Irish "it" => "🇮🇹", // Italian "ja" => "🇯🇵", // Japanese "kk" => "🇰🇿", // Kazakh "ko" => "🇰🇷", // Korean "lv" => "🇱🇻", // Latvian "lt" => "🇱🇹", // Lithuanian "mk" => "🇲🇰", // Macedonian "ms" => "🇲🇾", // Malay "ml" => "🇮🇳", // Malayalam "mt" => "🇲🇹", // Maltese "mn" => "🇲🇳", // Mongolian "no" => "🇳🇴", // Norwegian "ps" => "🇦🇫", // Pashto "fa" => "🇮🇷", // Persian "pl" => "🇵🇱", // Polish "pt" => "🇵🇹", // Portuguese "ro" => "🇷🇴", // Romanian "ru" => "🇷🇺", // Russian "sr" => "🇷🇸", // Serbian "sk" => "🇸🇰", // Slovak "sl" => "🇸🇮", // Slovenian "es" => "🇪🇸", // Spanish "sw" => "🇰🇪", // Swahili "sv" => "🇸🇪", // Swedish "ta" => "🇮🇳", // Tamil "te" => "🇮🇳", // Telugu "th" => "🇹🇭", // Thai "tr" => "🇹🇷", // Turkish "uk" => "🇺🇦", // Ukrainian "ur" => "🇵🇰", // Urdu "uz" => "🇺🇿", // Uzbek "vi" => "🇻🇳", // Vietnamese "cy" => "🇬🇧" // Welsh ]; $lang = strtolower($lang); if (array_key_exists($lang, $languages)) { return $languages[$lang]; } else { return "❓"; } } /** * has route as named we want this model? * @param $name string * @param $endRoute string 'index' or alt list * @return bool */ function hasRoute($name): bool { // create route $routes = explode('.', request()->route()->getName()); $routes[count($routes) - 1] = $name; $cRuote = implode('.', $routes); if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route::has($cRuote)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * get named route url * @param $name string * @param $args array * @return string|null */ function getRoute($name, $args = []): string|null { // create route $routes = explode('.', request()->route()->getName()); $routes[count($routes) - 1] = $name; $cRuote = implode('.', $routes); if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route::has($cRuote)) { return \route($cRuote, $args); } else { return null; } } /** * make sort link suffix * @param $col string * @return string */ function sortSuffix($col): string { if (request()->sort == $col) { if (request('sortType', 'asc') == 'desc') { return '&sortType=asc'; } else { return '&sortType=desc'; } } else { return ''; } } /** * make array compatible | help us to translate * @param $array * @param $translate * @return false|string */ function arrayNormolizeVueCompatible($array, $translate = false): false|string { $result = []; foreach ($array as $index => $item) { $result[] = ['id' => $index, 'name' => ($translate ? __($item) : $item)]; } return json_encode($result); } /** * check string is json or not * @param $string * @return bool */ function isJson($string): bool { json_decode($string); return json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE; } /** * save admin batch log * @param $method * @param $cls class * @param $ids * @return void */ function logAdminBatch($method, $cls, $ids): void { $act = explode('\\', $method); foreach ($ids as $id) { auth()->user()->logs()->create([ 'action' => $act[count($act) - 1], 'loggable_type' => $cls, 'loggable_id' => $id, ]); } } /** * save admin log * @param $method * @param $cls class * @param $id * @return void */ function logAdmin($method, $cls, $id): void { $act = explode('\\', $method); auth()->user()->logs()->create([ 'action' => $act[count($act) - 1], 'loggable_type' => $cls, 'loggable_id' => $id, ]); } /** * build query with excepts * @param $except * @return string */ function queryBuilder($except = null) { $queries = request()->toArray(); if ($except != null) { unset($queries[$except]); unset($queries['sortType']); } return http_build_query($queries); } /** * @param $name * @param $replace_char string * @return string */ function sluger($name, $replace_char = '-') { // special chars $name = str_replace(['&', '+', '@', '*'], ['and', 'plus', 'at', 'star'], $name); // replace non letter or digits by - $name = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d\.]+~u', $replace_char, $name); // transliterate $name = iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//TRANSLIT', $name); // trim $name = trim($name, $replace_char); // remove duplicate - $name = preg_replace('~-+~', $replace_char, $name); // lowercase $name = strtolower($name); if (empty($name)) { return 'N-A'; } return substr($name, 0, 120); } /** * generate last item of breadcrumb of admin panel * @return void */ function lastCrump() { $routes = explode('.', Route::currentRouteName()); if (count($routes) != 3) { echo '
  • ' . __(ucfirst($routes[count($routes) - 1])) . '
  • '; return; } $route = $routes[count($routes) - 1]; if ($route == 'home') { return; } if ($route == 'all' || $route == 'index' || $route == 'list') { echo '
  • ' . __(Str::plural(ucfirst($routes[count($routes) - 2]))) . '
  • '; } else { $link = '#'; $temp = $routes; array_pop($temp); $temp = implode('.', $temp) . '.'; $link = \route($temp . 'index'); echo '
  • ' . __(ucfirst(Str::plural($routes[count($routes) - 2]))) . '
  • '; switch ($route) { case 'create': $title = __('Add') . ' ' . __($routes[count($routes) - 2]); $icon = 'ri-add-line'; break; case 'edit': $title = __('Edit') . ' ' . __($routes[count($routes) - 2]); $icon = 'ri-edit-line'; break; case 'show': $title = __('Show') . ' ' . __($routes[count($routes) - 2]); $icon = 'ri-eye-line'; break; case 'sort': $title = __('Sort') . ' ' . __($routes[count($routes) - 2]); $icon = 'ri-sort-number-asc'; break; case 'trashed': $title = __('Trashed') . ' ' . __($routes[count($routes) - 2]); $icon = 'ri-delete-bin-6-line'; break; default: $title = __('') . ' ' . __(ucfirst($routes[count($routes) - 1])); $icon = 'ri-bubble-chart-line'; break; } echo '
  • ' . $title . '
  • '; } } /** * @param $cats array categories or groups as nested ul li wih checkbox * @param $checked array witch one checked default * @param $parent null|integer parent id * @return string */ function showCatNestedControl($cats, $checked = [], $parent = null) { $ret = ""; foreach ($cats as $cat) { if ($cat->parent_id == $parent) { $ret .= "
  • "; $check = in_array($cat->id, $checked) ? 'checked=""' : ''; $ret .= "'; $ret .= showCatNestedControl($cats, $checked, $cat->id); $ret .= "
  • "; } } if ($parent == null) { return $ret; } else { return ""; } } /** * find model name form morph * @param $modelable_type * @param $modelable_id * @return string */ function getModelName($modelable_type, $modelable_id) { $r = explode('\\', $modelable_type); return $r[count($r) - 1] . ':' . $modelable_id; } /** * find model show link form morph * @param $modelable_type * @param $modelable_id * @return string */ function getModelLink($modelable_type, $modelable_id) { $r = explode('\\', $modelable_type); $model = strtolower($r[count($r) - 1]); $name = 'admin.' . $model . '.show'; if (Route::has($name)) { return \route($name, $modelable_id); } else { return ''; } } /** * fix action in log * @param $act * @return string */ function getAction($act) { $r = explode('::', $act); return ucfirst($r[count($r) - 1]); } /** * ge all admin routes array * @return array */ function getAdminRoutes() { $routes = []; foreach (Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route::getRoutes() as $r) { if (strpos($r->getName(), 'admin') !== false) { $routes[] = [ 'name' => $r->getName(), 'url' => $r->uri(), ]; } } return $routes; } /** * get model with all custom attributes * @param $model \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model * @return void */ function modelWithCustomAttrs($model){ $data = $model->toArray(); $attrs = $model->getMutatedAttributes(); $attrs = array_diff($attrs,['translations']); foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $data[$attr] = $model->getAttribute($attr); } return $data; } /** * get max size for upload * @return int */ function getMaxUploadSize() { $uploadMaxSize = returnBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $postMaxSize = returnBytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); return min($uploadMaxSize, $postMaxSize); } /** * convert text to byte * @param $val * @return float|int|string */ function returnBytes($val) { $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]); $val = trim(strtolower($val),'kgm'); switch($last) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $val *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024 * 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; } return $val; } /** * convert byte to human readable * @param $size * @return string */ function formatFileSize($size) { if ($size < 1024) { return $size . ' bytes'; } elseif ($size < 1048576) { return number_format($size / 1024, 1) . ' KB'; } elseif ($size < 1073741824) { return number_format($size / 1048576, 1) . ' MB'; } else { return number_format($size / 1073741824, 1) . ' GB'; } } /** * generating hash UID by length * @param $length * @return string */ function generateUniqueID($length = 8) { $chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'; $uniqueID = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomChar = $chars[rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1)]; $uniqueID .= $randomChar; } return $uniqueID; } function getSetting(){ return 'test@xshop.ir'; }