(NULL, '6footer', 'editor', 'نوشته فوتر', 1, 'footer_text', 'افراد گروه سوم از اهمیت به پایان رساندن آگاه هستند. آنها با تفکر منطقی، طرحی روشن ارائه میکنند. آنها نه تنها برای پایان دادن به پروژهی خود در آینده برنامه ریزی میکنند، بلکه به تمام نتایج و عواقب اجرای آن برنامه هم میاندیشند. این افراد کسانی هستند که هنر به پایان رساندن را میدانند. ', '2022-08-02 05:11:20', '2022-08-02 05:11:20'),
"Upload new images":"«Загрузить новые изображения»",
"User list":"«Список пользователей»",
"Username":"Имя пользователя",
"Users list":"«Список пользователей»",
"Verify Your Email Address":"Проверьте свой адрес электронной почты",
"Video clip":"Видеоклип",
"Video clips":"Видеоклипы",
"Video list":"«Список видео»",
"We call you about price soon.":"«Скоро мы позвоним вам и уточним цену».",
"Website contents":"«Содержимое сайта»",
"Welcome":"Добро пожаловать",
"You are logged in!":"Вы вошли в систему!",
"You can choose one or more image together":"«Вы можете выбрать одно или несколько изображений вместе»",
"You disliked ":"«Тебе не понравилось»",
"You don't have any credit":"«У тебя нет кредита»",
"You dont't have acccess this acction":"«У вас нет доступа к этому действию»",
"You have got :count products in your basket, Could you complete your purchase?":"«У вас в корзине :count товаров. Не могли бы вы завершить покупку?»",
"You liked ":"Тебе понравилось ",
"You liked ago ":"«Тебе понравилось назад»",
"You order reserved for a few hours, please pay to complete process":"«Вы заказываете зарезервировано на несколько часов, пожалуйста, заплатите, чтобы завершить процесс»",
"You voted ago ":"«Вы проголосовали назад»",
"You voted right now ":"«Вы проголосовали прямо сейчас»",
"Your Email sent":"«Ваше письмо отправлено»",
"Your authentication code":"«Ваш код аутентификации»",
"Your comment submited successfully, After approve will be visbile.":"«Ваш комментарий успешно отправлен. После одобрения он будет виден».",
"Your credit":"«Ваша заслуга»",
"Your invoices":"«Ваши счета»",
"Your message has been successfully sent.":"Ваше сообщение было успешно отправлено.",
"Your message...":"Ваше сообщение...",
"Your question has been sent, We answer it soon.":"«Ваш вопрос отправлен, мы скоро на него ответим».",
"Your question or request...":"«Ваш вопрос или просьба...»",
"by percent":"по процентам",
"by price":"по цене",
"choose addrress":"выбрать адрес",
"click here to request another":"«нажмите здесь, чтобы запросить еще»",
"clip or cover not uploaded...":"клип или обложка не загружены...",
"created successfully":"«создано успешно»",
"deleted successfully":"успешно удалено",
"invoice created successfully":"счет успешно создан",
"name / email":"«имя / адрес электронной почты»",
"not searchable":"недоступно для поиска",
"password repeat":"повторить пароль",
"postal_code":"Почтовый индекс",
"preview":"предварительный просмотр",
"slider or cover not uploaded...":"слайдер или обложка не загружены...",
"transports deleted successfully":"транспорт успешно удален",
"updated successfully":"Успешно Обновлено",
"Is default":"",
"Is effective price?":"",
"Language list":"",
"Languages translate":"",
"Last update":"",
"Login \/ Register":"",
"Long text":"",
"Main address":"",
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"Main product category":"",
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"No parent":"",
"No product":"",
"Not required":"",
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"Pediatric dental clips":"",
"Please change payment gate.":"",
"Please confirm your password before continuing.":"",
"Poll list":"",
"Polls list":"",
"Post Text":"",
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"Product categories":"",
"Product categories list":"",
"Product categories node":"",
"Product category":"",
"Product category Parent":"",
"Product category created successfully":"",
"Product category deleted successfully":"",
"Product category name":"",
"Product category updated successfully":"",
"Product deleted successfully":"",
"Product invoice deleted successfully":"",
"Product invoice updated successfully":"",
"Product removed form card":"",
"Product removed from favorite":"",
"Product restore successfully":"",
"Product stock changed successfully":"",
"Products list":"",
"Profile updated":"",
"Properties list":"",
"Properties meta":"",
"Properties sort":"",
"Publish now":"",
"Question \/ Answer":"",
"Ref ID":"",
"Register or login to complete purchase":"",
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"Reserve order for :H hours":"",
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"SMS Code":"",
"SMS send, Please login with you Auth code":"",
"Save sort":"",
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"Setting added to website":"",
"Setting of website updated":"",
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"Short text":"",
"Signup or Login":"",
"Single Select & multi search":"",
"Slider list":"",
"Sort category":"",
"Sort product category":"",
"Special quantity":"",
"Stock quantity":"",
"Sub invoices items":"",
"Tag search":"",
"Tag with sub posts":"",
"Tagged by":"",
"Text type":"",
"The first and\/or second image will be index image":"",
"The order is duplicate please check invoices list":"",
"Ticket answered successfully":"",
"Ticket has been sent":"",
"Tickets deleted successfully":"",
"Tickets status changed successfully":"",
"Toggle navigation":"",
"Total Price":"",
"Total amount":"",
"Tracking code":"",
"Transport method":"",
"Transport price":"",
"Transports list":"",
"Try login":"",
"Under construction":"",
"Unknown bulk action :":"",
"Upload images":"",
"Upload new images":"",
"User list":"",
"Users list":"",
"Verify Your Email Address":"",
"Video clip":"",
"Video clips":"",
"Video list":"",
"We call you about price soon.":"",
"Website contents":"",
"You are logged in!":"",
"You can choose one or more image together":"",
"You disliked ":"",
"You don't have any credit":"",
"You dont't have acccess this acction":"",
"You have got :count products in your basket, Could you complete your purchase?":"",
"You liked ":"",
"You liked ago ":"",
"You order reserved for a few hours, please pay to complete process":"",
"You voted ago ":"",
"You voted right now ":"",
"Your Email sent":"",
"Your authentication code":"",
"Your comment submited successfully, After approve will be visbile.":"",
"Your credit":"",
"Your invoices":"",
"Your message has been successfully sent.":"",
"Your message...":"",
"Your question has been sent, We answer it soon.":"",
افراد گروه سوم از اهمیت به پایان رساندن آگاه هستند. آنها با تفکر منطقی، طرحی روشن ارائه میکنند. آنها نه تنها برای پایان دادن به پروژهی خود در آینده برنامه ریزی میکنند، بلکه به تمام نتایج و عواقب اجرای آن برنامه هم میاندیشند. این افراد کسانی هستند که هنر به پایان رساندن را میدانند.