- Add ProductController with index method to provide product listings
- Implement caching for product listings based on request URI
- Add sorting functionality for products by various criteria (new, old, most_view, less_view, most_buy, less_buy)
- Implement filtering by category using slug
- Add search functionality to filter products by name
- Implement price range filtering using min_price and max_price parameters
- Include related category data in the product resource response
- Set default pagination to 20 items per page with optional customization via per_page parameter
- Add HomeController with index method to provide home page data
- Fetch and include menu with items, limiting selected fields for optimization
- Fetch and include latest 6 sliders using SliderResource
- Fetch and include top 8 parent categories with their products using CategoryResource
- Fetch and include active advertisements with available clicks using AdvResource
- Fetch and include latest 8 posts using PostResource
- Return all collected data as a successful JSON response
- Added `success` function to format successful JSON responses with customizable meta tags, Open Graph data, Twitter card data, and canonical URL.
- Added `errors` function to format error JSON responses with customizable status codes.
added sort part area
added topSimple part
added bootstrap to vendor assets
fixed slider simple duplicate bug
added setting group
fixed setting social group