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2 months ago
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<img width="250" src="resources/images/xshop-logo.svg" alt="xShop logo">
2 years ago
2 months ago
# xShop/v2
2 months ago
> [!NOTE]
> xShop is an open source shop developed in laravel, very customizable!
2 months ago
## New Features:
- Dashboard panel changes
- Integration of Vue.js and laravel
- Advanced charts
- Better customizable with AI & languages
- Fixed Technical issues
- Project size compression
- UI/UX is more specific
- Developer Friendlier
## Access to xShop/v1
2 months ago
> xShop/v1 available here: <a href=""></a>
2 months ago
## Installation
2 months ago
> Create new database and rename `.env.example` to `.env` then update you `.env` configs so run this commands:
2 months ago
git clone
cd xshop
composer install
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan storage:link
php artisan key:generate
php artisan serv
2 months ago
> [!TIP]
> Default admin email is : `` (developer) or `` (admin) and default password is: `password`
## image seeding
- Download & prepare images
php artisan seeding:prepare
- Seeding image for models: [Group, Category, Post, Product, Slider]
pa seeding:image Product digital
> First parameter is Model, Second is image seeder directory available [bag, clothe, digital, sport, posts, makeup]
> You can create your directory and put your image into new directory then use image seeder
2 months ago
## Requirement
- php 8.3.9 [ `php-gd`, `sqlite3`, `php-soap` ]
- mysql or mariadb
- composer
## Deploy guide
We recommend deploy xShop on VPS, so create database and run this commands:
cd /home/[yourUsername]/[pathOfYourWebsitePublicHTML]
git clone . # if this command not work make empty this folder
cp .env.example .env
nano .env # edit your config db, url, etc.
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=SettingSeeder
nano .env # make APP_DEBUG false, APP_ENV production
php artisan storage:link
php key:generate
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
## make xController
2 months ago
Controller with log and semi-automatic CURD with logs
User [`model`]
php artisan make:xcontroller User
2 months ago
## make theme part
2 months ago
Theme part usable in area
2 months ago
2 months ago
PartName [`theme aprt name`]
2 months ago
segmentName [`group`, `category`, `preloader`, ...],
2 months ago
php artisan make:part PartName segmentName
2 months ago
## client optimize
2 months ago
Optimize client assets, `scss`,`js`,`css`
2 months ago
php artisan client
2 months ago
2 months ago
### theme parts file
- PartName.php: `onCreate`, `onRemove`, `onMount` actions of theme part
2 months ago
- PartName.blade.php: your theme part blade code
2 months ago
- PartName.scss: your theme part scss
- PartName.js: your theme part javascript
- screenshot.png: screenshot preview of theme part
2 months ago
### Screenshots
2 months ago
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Developed With Love ! ❤️